This Treasure in Earthen Vessels (2Cor.4:7)

PotterBut we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. (2Cor. 4:7)

Commentators have often been reminded by this verse of the story of Gideon, his pitchers, and torches. In that particular story, Gideon had his 300 men hide torches within pitchers. They surrounded the enemy camp and when the trumpets blew, the men broke the earthen pitchers to let off the light shine.

The Bible tells us that the excellence of God’s power is the treasure hidden within us in earthen vessels. He chose these weak, vulnerable, and fragile bodies to carry around His great power by which He holds the entire universe with its dazzling stars, planets, and all life together. He didn’t choose objects of gold and silver to hold this treasure. He chose us, men and women who are made of clay. But, unless these clay pots are broken that power cannot shine forth. In our humility and meekness, His excellency shines forth.

When I think of the vulnerability and fragility that we are composed of, I wonder at the grace of God that chose us to be His vessels of infinite power, despite our weaknesses. But, now He is our strength and not we ourselves. So much grace upon grace!!

But, this treasure is not here just for ourselves. It belongs to Him and is here for His purposes alone. The purpose of our life is only fulfilled when the purpose of Heaven is fulfilled. Our destinies are tied in to the Lamb and His Throne.

Prayer: Lord, it is important that You increase and I decrease. Help me live a life that brings You glory and let my life be an exhibition of Your Kingdom and Your Power. Amen!